Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 12/28/21

Year: 2021

The Journal of International Studies (JIS) has aimed at meeting the studies which are authentic and accepted in the disciplines in accordance with the ethical rules by publishing within the frame of peer view process with the scientific World and the other parts of the society.

Within the scope of the goals The Journal of International Studies (JIS) has published the Works of Political History, Political Science, Public Administration, International Relations, International Law, Political Sociology, Conflict Resolution Arbitration, Migration and immigrant issues, territorial studies, letter to the editor, book review and critique.

In The Journal of International Studies, Turkish and English Works have been accepted. In Turkish articles, English abstract, key words and extended abstract; in English articles, Turkish abstract and key words should be included.

Page Structure:
Papers should be prepared with 2.5 cm spaces at right and left margins, 11p Times New Roman with 0 nk before and after the paragraph and 1.5 space.
The main title of the work should be prepared with 12p and all capital letters, as for subheads, 11p and only the initals will be capital letters.
Paragraphs should be indented with 1 cm.
The names of the authors should not be in the article, it should be prepared according to the template below.

The articles should be limited to 5000 to 8000 words, book reviews and critics to 1500 words.
In the articles, abstract should be limited to 250 words and keywords with 5.
Extended English abstract should be between 500-700 words.
Citing Method:

APA in the Works and APA7 should be used in the bibliography.

Figure, Charts and Graphs:
All figures, charts and graphs in the work should be numbered and referenced.
Charts should be centered in the page without overflowing by using Times New Roman 10-11p if necessary

The Journal of International Studies (JIS), has embraced the ethical principles of COPE and implented an editorial policy in these principles.

Within this scope;

Editorship process:

Works sent to be examined are required to the related associate editor who will manage the refree process by being examined as the requirement to the form in a week.
The appointee associate Editor is supposed to send the work to the 2 refrees and establish a dialogue between refree and author.
The editor has a claim to control whether the corrections are made in addition to the judgments of the refree.
Editor and / or editorial board have the right to refuse the article in any step of the publishing process.

Peer Review Process:

The Works apart from book review/critique and letter to the edito and qualified as review article are sent to two refrees in accordance with double blind review necessities.
One week length period of time is given to the people who were appointed as refree as expert and for the acceptence of refree invitation and one month to send the final report about the study.
The approval of two refrees and editorship for a work to be published.
The Works which are accepted by one refree and rejected by the other are sent to another third refree.
Correction proposals coming from the refrees should be sent to the editor of the work in 15 days. Otherwise, the work is rejected by the editor.
Autorship process:

The editors of the journal keep contact only with the one who is the “author-in-charge”.
The author-in-charge is supposted to hand in the correction proposal to the other authors of the work if exists.
It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that the article is in accordance with scientific and ethical standards and rules.
The author is supposed to fill the cover page in full and send the copyright agreement by signing.
The author-in-charge should inform the changes in the title, institution and contact information before the editing stage to publish the work.
Editorial Policy:

The Journal of International Studies (JIS), has been published twice in a year.
The journal does not demand payment from the authors nor make to the refrees.
The journal has been implementing an open Access policy.
"Ethics Committee Approval" must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section of the study and also at the end of the article.

The originality of the Works sent to the journal will be checked by an internationally valid pligarism program.

Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları Dergisi, yazarlarından ücret talep etmemekte ve hakemlere herhangi bir ücret ödememektedir.

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